Monday, July 31, 2006

Ah, it's Monday. :)

That means tomorrow is the Digi Chick "Chick Flick" night with the movie Sixteen Candles. Come on, you know it's a guilty pleasure and you probably watched this movie at least once when it originally came out... :)

Friday, July 28, 2006

I lost 1.5 lbs this week! Woohoo!

In other good news, my MMM entry is out the door! I always forget how much time doing that supply list can take. :)

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Well, I finished my final MMM entry layout last night! Promptly uploaded the layouts to Costco, and will pick them up this afternoon after work.

Then my evening is full of idea forms (one for each layout), model releases (one for each child used in my layouts - only 2), supply lists (one for each layout), and packing it up for shipping.

It will go postal tomorrow.

In other news, the heat has leveled off and it's almost, but not quite, normal Oregon July weather.

Don't forget, watch Sixteen Candles this weekend and participate in our Chick Flick Chat at the Digi Chick on Tuesday!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Bad blogger!

Life has been pretty full. I've been attempting to finish up an entry for a layout contest, which needs to be postmarked by July 31st...I'm cutting it close, I hope to get it mailed out this Friday.

Life has also been hot, weather wise! Last Friday (the 21st), the city I'm living hit 108 degrees. Do I need to mention that our apartment has *NO* A/C? We spent Saturday and Sunday trucking around to various places, which all had A/C (our vehicles do too). We celebrated my sister's birthday (I won't mention the number, she's pretty sensitive about it) at my parents' house, which was also air conditioned. :) I will post a picture of me and my 6 month old niece later today or tomorrow.

We plan on going to the storage place on Saturday and moving all the stuff from the small 10x10 room into the big 10x20 room, so we only have "rent" for one room. It should just about fit.

I promise, I'll be a better blogger from now on...

I'm also doing the "Chick Walk Challenge" at the Digi Chick - proud member of the Blue Suede Walking Shoes here! :)

Darla Vasquez and I will be hosting the Digi Chick "Chick Flick Chat" next Tuesday, August 1. Watch Sixteen Candles (yeah, the 80s movie) and join us for a lively, entertaining chat!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This video is so inspirational.

Do not watch it without Kleenex close by. You can't say I didn't warn you.


Sunday, July 16, 2006

Yeah, yeah, I know, I haven't posted all week long.

My new computer arrived, I went scrapping with friends, I worked....

I even applied for Robin Carlton's CT. Over 80 people applied, and we'll find out Monday morning what the results are.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I've been a busy scrapper this weekend. I was inspired by two things:

- Ali Edwards' new book, "A Designer's Eye: For Scrapbooking with Patterned Paper"
- The new charity mega kit from Guardian Peas, "Kaleidoscope of Hope"

Here are my layouts, all of my friend Lisa, her kids, and her significant other from the 4th of July holiday this year.

Credits can be seen here: Sweet Summer

Credits can be seen here: Haylee

Credits can be seen here: Summer Fun

Credits can be seen here: Kayaking

Friday, July 07, 2006

Straight from Diana's blog:

1. Do you like music videos on blogs? Why or why not?? I don't like them, because usually I'm already listening to music via iTunes when I go to blogs, and the music videos override my music.

2. What is your favorite all time song and why? "Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion

3. What is your favorite current song and why? "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield - it just speaks to me right now.

4. Do you and your significant other have a "song"? "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" by Elton John (from Lion King). Lion King is our favorite movie to watch together, and this was also our "first dance" song at our wedding in 1999.

5. What song old or new best describes who you are? Currently, "Unwritten" describes me best.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quick Update: We are now officially "home"less - as in we don't own a home. The transaction funded and recorded this afternoon, and my husband goes to pick up the check in an hour.
Sorry for being gone for the last week! Lots of stuff to get done to make sure the closing of the house went smoothly. We signed paperwork yesterday, and should get a call today (preferably) or tomorrow to come pick up our check for the proceeds from the house. Most of it goes promptly into a money market savings account for the new house, but there are some "immediate" needs that need to be taken care of. At any rate, we'll be locking away our 10% down payment.

Well, allergy season took a turn for the worse. Normally I don't have bad allergies, but on the 4th of July, I had a serious "attack." By serious, I mean that I could not keep my eyes open for longer than 2 seconds because they were watering so much...and my poor nose was running a long distance meet. :) Fortunately, someone had some OTC Chlor Trimeton, so I took it, laid down for a short nap, and when I woke up I could see again! In other medical news, my borderline anemia is not quite so borderline anymore. Guess it's time to see the doctor and check levels. I have been slacking on taking iron because it seemed as if it was gone, but I should have known that something was wrong when I couldn't donate blood.

This weekend, we'll be cleaning up the apartment and reconfiguring the bedroom. It's been driving me nuts, especially the location of the bed. We had them put it up against the wall so the boxes to unpack could go against the other wall, but that has turned out to be a bad decision. Plus I'm sure they put it back together not quite husband's side of the mattress slopes toward the wall, and there's a huge gap between the top of the mattress and the frame. Silly little things like that.