Tuesday, August 29, 2006

We drove by the house again tonight (hey, it's been five days!) and they are just about ready to pour the concrete, as you can see from the concrete forms here:

I am so excited. We'll head back on Thursday evening or Friday morning to see if concrete has been poured and if the forms are off. We plan on going twice a week to keep up on progress.
Look what I did last night from the photos I took this weekend:

Rachael G. has posted the next sketch challenge at the Digi Chick:

8/29 Sketch Challenge

Join us and post in the sketch gallery here.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is what our lot looks like now:

This will be the vantage point I will be taking blog pictures from, right in front of this "light pole" you can see in the bottom right. Cool, eh?

Looks like they are ready to put in the frame to pour the concrete for the foundation.

I'm off of work tomorrow, I'll be volunteering as a race official for the 25th annual Portland to Coast walk relay. On Saturday and Sunday, I'll be working on a couple of proposals for next year's STC conference.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Good news!

I made the creative team for Yvette Sanders, who sells kits at The Digi Chick and Scrap Outside the Box. She actually let us know on Friday, but didn't release the information publicly until today, so we had time to do at least one layout with her kits at TDC. Here's the first layout I did with her latest kit, Fresh Florals.

In other news, my friend Becky is back among the bloggers! I'm going to put a link here, but she'll also be a permanent link in the blog section to your right! :)

Sunday, August 20, 2006

This is the last time our lot will look like this:

Tomorrow is the ground breaking, and by the 25th (Friday) we should have a foundation.
Yes, I will take pictures and keep everyone up to date.

Friday, August 18, 2006

This is what I've been listening to in the last week:

Chicago 30

I've seen Chicago in concert three times, once with Peter Cetera and twice without.

I honestly can't remember if anyone opened up for them the first time, right after Chicago 17 was released. It was 1985 and it was my first concert without my parents (my first concert was with my parents, Elton John's "Too Low for Zero" concert tour). The date of the concert is indelibly printed in my mind, as it is also the date I got my braces on - April 16, 1985.

The second time I saw Chicago, it was at the Oregon State Fair. They were on a double bill with Hall and Oates, and my husband and I had 4th row side section tickets. Unfortunately, they were also 5 feet in front of speakers... :) My husband will tell you I have HORRIBLE speaker karma...doesn't matter how good the seats are, the speakers will be right there (either above us or in front of us, or line of sight). The concert was still fabulous though, even though there was no Peter Cetera. I didn't know what to expect before seeing them, so it was all good.

The third time I saw Chicago, it was at the Clark County Amphitheatre in Vancouver, Washington. Fabulous show, lousy location. Horrible parking, sucky entrance policies (no umbrellas allowed but they only *ask* you whether you have a weapon), extremely expensive food and drink, plus some heavily intoxicated folks sitting right in front of us.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm helping out a friend in need.

A good scrapbooking buddy has been diagnosed with Stage 4 GI cancer. The local scrapbooking community is hosting a fundraising event called "Croppin' Out Cancer" and will have a flyer in the next week.

In the meantime, you can see the information here about why we are doing the event.


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Okay, okay, sorry, I've been a bad blogger! :)

My boss has been gone since last Friday, so I've been busy. We were supposed to go out of town last weekend, but we ended up just staying home. One of our cats has kitty acne, and that requires twice a day antibiotics (you try pulling the cat out from under the bed to give it medicine) and warm compress on the chin with medicated water.

On Sunday, we saw a few friends, went out to breakfast, met a couple of friends at the mall, helped one of them shop for clothes, and that was the extent of our socializing.

I'm getting together with a couple of friends this Friday to go scrapbooking, so I picked up some pictures I uploaded to Costco. Thinking about a theme album or a tag album...something like that. I picked up Memory Makers special issue on theme albums to help me out.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Congratulations to StaceyD and HaleyW, who answered the most trivia questions correctly last night in our Sixteen Candles Chick Flick Chat! :)

Next event:

Go to Digi Chick for more information on Friendship Day events: trading cards (ATCs), a scraplift challenge, and MORE!