Monday, April 10, 2006

Today's the day!

I am a candidate for an elected position in the professional organization that receives all my volunteer hours. I ran for the position of nominating committee. There were 5 candidates, and only 2 can be elected. Today's the day I find out if I was elected or not. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, as I ran in the same election last year (different position) and did not win. If it is anything like last year, if I am not elected, I will receive a call tomorrow. So if I don't get a call by this evening, I can probably assume I am not a winning candidate. That's how it worked last year.

If elected, I will step into my position at the upcoming conference in Las Vegas. I will still attend the conference even if I lose, as I am a presenter, but it would be nice to attend as an elected official. :)

Wish me luck!

In other news, the house is almost ready! We removed the showerhead extension and reinstalled the original showerhead (the original one assumes that both of us are MUCH taller than we are), steam cleaned the carpet in the front area, donated a truckload of stuff to the Salvation Army, and got closer to "stage" clean. What's left to do? Vacuum all carpets, clear the hall closet so it doesn't look so cluttered, wipe down the bathtub and shower surfaces, pick up clothes in the master bedroom closet, and make sure the kitty litter boxes are not overflowing.

On Saturday, I accomplished quite a bit. I did (11) 11x8.5 layouts, and one 2 page 12x12 layout (minus journaling). The 12x12 was for my best friend, pictures of her daughter's face over the years. The other 11 pages were for a "conference" album I'm going to take with me to Las Vegas. I am thinking I could also add pages for 2004 and 2003 in time for the conference.


Angela said...

Good luck!!!!!!

justjohanna said...

good luck!

and are you really saying that you scrapped like 20 pages in one weekend?????

Rachel said...


Well, i scrapped 13 pages. :) In about 9 hours. 11 of them are clean and simple ala Cathy Z, and the 2 pager is a bit more complicated.

Anonymous said...

wowser! You we're ONE busy chika this weekend! GL with the election!!