Monday, October 30, 2006

Okay, okay, I've been negligent in updating the blog! :) Trust me, I haven't wanted to bore you.

They started drywalling on 10/25. Almost all the drywall is up, but the seams are not mudded and it's definitely not textured yet. :) Some of the light fixtures downstairs need to have drywall removed (they are marked to remove, except for one - we emailed the field manager on that one).

In 2 weeks, we'll need to have a key to get in. So in the next two weeks, we'll see the following happen:

- garage floor (cement) poured
- drywall, texture, and paint completed
- garage door installed
- locks installed
- hardwood flooring installed downstairs (i think)

What happens in two weeks, you ask? Well, that's when the cabinets arrive (kitchen, bathrooms, laundry), so the garage has to have a garage door that closes AND locks, so someone can't just drive up and steal all of our cabinets. And after that, all of the sinks and other fixtures start coming in, so it will be "secure time"...

Here's a couple of pictures from 10/29/06!

From the master bedroom, looking at the entry double doors (left) and the master bathroom door (right):

And from the larger lots/houses part of the subdivision, this is the model's home carpet and wood flooring. We didn't realize until a month ago that we'd picked the EXACT same carpet/color and wood flooring, so here's a sneak preview of what ours will look like:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Ah, quizzes....

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Iron Man
The Flash
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

Monday, October 23, 2006

The siding on the front of the house is finished! Also on both sides, but not on the back of the house. The siding on the back won't be finished until all the drywall for the 2nd floor has been delivered through the craft room window (which still doesn't have a window installed because it's a delivery point). Once the drywall has been delivered, the window will be installed, and then the siding will be finished.

This is the standard non-painted color - we do have paint colors picked, but it will be a couple of weeks or more before it's painted.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

We have a front door! :) It has been installed at long last!

We briefly chatted with a worker packing up (notice those two guys on top of our roof in the 2nd picture), and they said that the garage floor will be poured on Friday. They also said the siding probably won't be finished until they get all the sheetrock inside, which won't happen until after our "pre-drywall" inspection on Friday. This is where we basically approve all the outlet and jack locations before they put the drywall up.

And the front, with siding on the side and halfway up the front:

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's really starting to look like a house! :) We have siding on one side of the house, and they poured our front porch yesterday. We have our pre-drywall meeting with the field manager on Friday morning. After that, drywall baby! :) Then the serious interior work starts. And once they install the front door (hopefully this week), it will only be a matter of time before we'll need a key to see our house.

When my husband talked to the field manager yesterday, he said it sounded like the manager just got my email yesterday (I sent it last Thursday), and had not been aware that our front door (and our patio door) had not been installed. He's also going to get one of the extra ports moved, it was installed in the wrong place.

We might even get a garage floor this week - all the houses around us got one poured yesterday, but our garage was full of "stuff" they'd emptied out all the garages around us into OUR garage! Of course, our patio door is still in the garage as well, so the concrete pouring may be tied to getting that door installed first.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

More appliance info:


By special request, here's a couple views of the front of the house, both straight on and at a slight angle:

Sunday, October 08, 2006

So, we finally ordered our refrigerator, washer, and dryer.

We went to Standard TV and Appliance (we visited them in late August to get an idea of products and prices) on Saturday.

This is the washer.
This is the current dryer, although that may change because of changes at Maytag. If we can't get that dryer, we'll get this one.
This is the refrigerator.

It will be so hard to live with the appliances in this apartment. I know, I'm whining, but I can't believe how used to our old fridge we were...and the fridge in this apartment is like going from "premium" to "subpar"....yecch!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

That darn Valgal...

She tagged me!

I have to list 5 weird things about me and tag 5 other people...

1. Only my head peeks out from the covers when I'm sleeping. Especially in the winter, I tend to "cocoon" and tuck the covers around my shoulders. That's because...
2. I'm a stomach sleeper. At least, I can only fall asleep that way.
3. I have a routine for drying off after I step out of the shower. *blush*
4. I *like* fruitcake. :)
5. I still eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a regular basis.

Okay, now to tag folks:


Friday, October 06, 2006

"Remember" by Josh Groban, soundtrack of Troy

I will still be here
As long as you hold me,
in your memory

when your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
Just remember me

I am the one star that keeps burning
so brightly
It is the last light
to fade into the rising sun

I'm with you
Whenever you tell
my story
For I am all I've done

Remember, I will still be here
As long as you hold me
in your memory

Remember me
I am the one voice in the cold wind
that whispers

And if you listen
you'll hear me call across the sky
As long as I still can reach out
and touch you
Then I will never die

I'll never leave you
If you will only
Remember me
Remember me...

I will still be here
As long as you hold me
In your memory

when your dreams have ended
Time can be transcended
I live forever

Remember me
Remember me
Remember... me...

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Here's a look at my guy. He hated wearing the hard hat, but it was required to do the "structured wiring" around the house today, because folks were working on the house while we were there (normally we show up after they are gone for the day). :)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

That was then (09/14/06):

This is now:

Don't know if you can tell the difference, but in the bottom picture, the door frame is wider. My husband and I realized this weekend that there was NO way there were going to be able to do the front door with our "upgrade" with the way it was framed, they had done it wrong. We promptly talked with the sales agent, who sent an email off to the field manager (on a Sunday, no less). Monday morning, when the field manager saw our email, he took a look and promptly had it dealt with. Of course, we also saw our front door (with the upgrade) sitting in the garage - I think they might have realized they had a problem when that arrived if we hadn't noticed it. :)

This is what our front door looks like. The old "frame" job was for just the door, and not the windows around it.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We have a ROOF! :)

No real good vantage point, but I tried! :)