Friday, March 16, 2007

Well now!

I am going to be teaching Adobe Creative Suite 2 at Portland State University, as of spring term! Starting April 2, every Monday night (except for Memorial Day and the day I'm at the STC conference) until June 11, I'll be teaching at least 16 students (3 undergrad, 13 grad so far) about Adobe CS2. Wow! If this works out, and the students want more classes, I could potentially have a sideline career. My manager, who recommended me to the university, heartily approves of this development, as he also teaches technical writing at the same university. We won't be teaching on the same nights, but at least I have a resource to talk to about grading and the "back end stuff" of the university system (dropping folks, adding grades, etc).

We are having movers come tomorrow and clean out our storage room to take the contents to our house. We are going too slow on getting stuff out of storage, and I want that "line item" off of our budget. Let's just say a 10x20 storage room is not cheap and is the equivalent of our car payment. Ouch! Means we can save more, or put more money towards an extra payment for the mortgage or vehicle.


Diana said...

WOW! That's totally cool! You will do great!

Sassette said...

Oh Rachel this is awesome news!!!! Just don't be burning yourself out there girl!!!!
I know you will do great at this! WTG!